
2016.04.15 fri


このたびの平成28年熊本地震で被害に遭われた皆様に、心よりお見舞い申し上げます。皆様の安全と被災地の一日も早い復旧をお祈りいたします。この地震の影響で、一部の地域でイベントやフェアの延期、また商品の発送に時間がかかる可能性がございます。ご迷惑をおかけしますが、何卒ご了承下さい。 We would like to offer our deepest sympathies for earthquake in Kumamoto. We sincerely pray for your safety and quick recovery. Due to this unexpected earthquake, we're sorry for bothering you but in certain area, some event may be postponed and the delivery may take longer than usual . Your kind understanding will be highly appreciated.